Special Guardianship Get In Touch
SGO Support Contact Us
Contact Us
NB* Please DO NOT contact us to query any SGO finance payments.
If you have not received an SGO allowance payment, or if the amount has changed, is late or is missing, then please get in touch with your Local Authority Special Guardianship/Kinship Team who is responsible for making all SGO finance payments.
Please note that all SGO payments are made by your Local Authority. You need to contact your Local Authority directly about SGO payments to avoid any further delay.
If you have any suggestions for this site, or topics that you were looking for, then please let us know so we can add this to help more SGO carers.
Due to the increasing volume and complexity of queries being received, I have taken the tough decision to remove the contact form.
If you have a question about SGO or Kinship Care relating to your circumstances, then please contact Kinship.org which has a dedicated Advice Team who will be able to respond to your query.